怀孕了 & Parenting Students


怀孕了 & Parenting Students

SMC致力于为所有学生创造和维护一个无歧视的学习环境, including students who are pregnant and/or parenting. This includes 怀孕, 分娩, termination of 怀孕, 泌乳, related conditions, 和恢复.


Reasonable Modifications


  • Breaks during class to express milk, 乳酸, 或照顾与怀孕或相关情况有关的健康需要, 包括吃, 喝, or using the restroom;
  • Intermittent absences to attend medical appointments;
  • Access to online or homebound education;
  • Changes in schedule or course sequence;
  • 延长课程学习时间和重新安排考试时间;
  • Allowing a student to sit or stand, or carry or keep water nearby;
  • 咨询服务;
  • Changes in physical space or supplies (e.g., access to a table or larger desk or a footrest);
  • 电梯访问;
  • Other changes to policies, practices, or procedures;
  • 自愿的 leaves of absences;
  • 自愿的 access to separate and comparable portions of a program.

每个合理的修改都将根据学生的个性化需求,在与学生协商后进行. Collaboration with academic departments/programs, 教师, student services supports, 其他校园实体可能需要评估可用性和合理性.

For further information, to consult on needs, and request reasonable modifications, please contact the 第九条 Coordinator:

杰西·瓦尔加—— jev7@bjtxtl.com : 925-631-4055 : Ferroggiaro 200B

Frequently Asked Questions


  • 怀孕
  • 分娩
  • termination of 怀孕
  • 泌乳
  • related medical conditions (to 怀孕 and/or 分娩)
  • 复苏

父母身份包括养父母、继父母或法定监护人. 生身父母和非生身父母也包括在这一地位中.

No. 第九条 prohibits a school 从 要求 a student who is pregnant to take a leave of absence, 或由于怀孕或相关状况而不得不采取替代计划. 

自愿的 leaves of absence are available for, 至少, the medically necessary time period and reinstatement upon return. 恢复与休假时相同的学术和活动状态. 然而, 这可能意味着需要等待新学期/新学期或根据时间表提供的课程, amount of time away, number of absences in relation to curricular requirements.

一个学期内的缺课会彻底改变课程要求, the choice for a leave is available, 然而, if denied by the student, 他们在课程中可能会遇到成功的障碍,但仍然可以实施合理的修改,以避免尽可能多的影响.

These options and discussion about the impact to course success, degree completion timeline, 以及其他问题将与学生和第九条协调员讨论.

Generally speaking, yes. 

After confirming which modifications are being requested, 第九条协调员将与教师/学术部门或项目合作, 讨论第九章规定的合理替代方案,以保持作业/课程的学术完整性. Alternatives may include, but are 不 limited to, opportunities to make up the work, 重新测试, have additional time to complete assignments, virtual participation in a course, utilize the incomplete process, retake the course at a future date, 等. 所有可用的选项将提供给学生接受或拒绝. 

有时,课程可能需要亲自出席或参加实验课或轮岗等活动. 在某些情况下,学生可以考虑休假而不是补课. 这将在修改开发过程中进行评估,并向学生提供接受或拒绝现有合理修改的选择.

If you feel your 教师 are 不 giving you appropriate options, are 不 implementing the approved modifications, 或者您正在经历与您的修改相关的其他挑战-请尽快联系标题IX协调员. 将会有尽可能积极主动的工作来安排和沟通修改, 然而, 我们也知道有时我们无法适应未知或紧急情况, 因此,当需求发生变化或学校可以解决的挑战出现时,请更新第九条协调员.

许多怀孕的学生在怀孕期间继续他们的校外轮岗和临床任务. 然而, there are some situations which may require an adjustment. 例如, 怀孕的学生可能不会暴露在辐射中, must be within a certain radius of the hospital at a given time, 或者必须完成一轮轮换才能进入下一轮. 在很多情况下, alternative placements may be found, 但在某些情况下,替代地点可能无法满足学生的医疗需求. 鼓励学生主动联系他们的临床主任/协调员和第九条协调员,以计划轮岗和临床地点, given the complexity of scheduling these.

怀孕或有父母的学生仍然需要遵循任何奖学金或其他形式的经济援助的要求. 如果你有奖学金或经济援助,你应该和你的顾问或学校谈谈 金融援助 Office 之前 to making decisions about enrollment or taking a leave of absence.

第九条保护学生在怀孕方面的医疗需要, 分娩, conditions that develop related to 怀孕, 和恢复 从 these. Lactation is also covered under 第九条. 儿童保育、抚养婴儿和照顾配偶通常不受第九条的保护.

如果出现诸如产后抑郁症或永久性医疗问题等长期状况, you may apply for accommodations through Student Disability 服务.


When you are able, communicate directly with your 教师 and/or program director, as well as the 第九条 Coordinator. 你是 required to disclose medical-related details if you do 不 wish. 如果需要某些信息来评估修改或支持请求, we will ask at that time. 同时,我们会采取合理的措施来保证您的学术参与.

你可以让另一个人传达任何紧急情况或缺席, 然而, unless we have a Release of Information for 那个人, the 第九条 Coordinator will only being to intake information 他们不会分享任何个人教育记录或信息 to 那个人.

不是亲生父母的学生可以咨询第九条协调员,讨论可用的支持, such as absences to attend medical appointments. 第九条协调员可以帮助与教师和校园办公室/项目沟通,请求缺勤或延期作业/考试, 或者其他选择, 在伴侣怀孕期间,最好地支持非生育父母的学生, 分娩, or related condition(s).